Monday 3 July 2017

Advanced Fast Fire Nifty Trading System Afl

AFL para quotAdvanced Rapid Fire NIFTY Trading Systemquot Mas isso não está funcionando e diz quotinitialization requiredquot PODE QUALQUER SENIOR RECTIFICAR ESTA AFL Se a fita três para intervalos de tempo diferentes pode ser gerada, também será bom. SECCIONAÇÃO (quotAdvanced Rapid Fire NIFTY Trading Systemquot) T20 K ((C-funM1 (C, T, T2)) funM1 (C, T, T2)) 100 Graph0K Graph0Style24 Graph0BarColorIIf (KMAgt0,5,4) Graph0BarColorIIf (Kgt0, colorGreen, ColorRed) GraphXSpace5 Título quotSymbol. Quot Name () quotnThe Close is ngt quotWriteVal (abs (K), format1.2) quotquotWriteIf (Kgt0, quot abovequot, quot belowquot) o período 13 EMAquot E30 ((C-funE1 (C, 30,20)) funM1 ( C, 30,15)) 100 Titlequotgt quotWriteVal (abs (E30), format1.2) quot WhriteIf (E30gt0, quot abovequot, quot belowquot) quot 30 period EMAquot E50 ((C-funE1 (C, 50,35)) funM1 (C, 50,20)) 100 Titlequotgt quotWriteVal (abs (E50), format1.2) quot WhriteIf (E50gt0, quot abovequot, quot belowquot) quot 50 period EMAquot E200 ((C-funE1 (C, 200, 114)) funM1 ( C, 200,105)) 100 Titlequotgt quotWriteVal (abs (E200), format1.2) quotWriteIf (E200gt0, quot abovequot, quot belowquot) quot 200 period EMAnquot SECTIONBEGIN (quotPricequot) SetChartOptions (0, chartShowArrowschartShowDates) N (Título StrFormat (quot - Abrir g, Hi g, Lo g, Fechar g (.1f) quot, O, H, L, C, SelectedValue (ROC (C, 1)))) Plot (C, quotClosequot, ParamColor (quotColorquot, colorLightGrey), styleNoTitle ParamStyle (quotStylequot) GetPriceStyle ()) função GetSecondNum () Tempo agora (4) Se Conds int (Tempo 100) Minutos int (Tempo 100 100) Horas int (Tempo 10000 100) SecondNum int (Horas 60 60 Minutos 60 Segundos) return SecondNum RequestTimedRefresh (1) TimeFrame Interval () SecNumber GetSecondNum () Newperiod SecNumber TimeFrame 0 SecsLeft SecNumber - int (SecNumber TimeFrame) TimeFrame SecsToGo TimeFrame - SecsLeft if (NewPeriod) Plot (1, quotquot, colorYellow, styleArea styleOwnScale, 0, 1) time quotCurrent Time: quot Now (2) quotquot quotChart Interval: quot NumToStr (TimeFrame, 1.0) Quot Secondsnquot quotSecond Number quotnot quotSeconds Left: quot NumToStr (SecsLeft, 1.0, False) quotquot quotSeconds To Go: quot NumToStr (SecsToGo, 1.0, False) GfxSetTextColor (colorBrown) GfxSelectFont (quotTahomaquot, 12 , 1200) GfxTextOut (Quecseconds To Go: quot NumToStr (SecsToGo, 1.0, False), 35, 200) priceAxesWidth0 dateAxesHeight0 TitleHeight0 pxwidth Status (quotpxwidthquot) pxheight Status (quotpxheightquot) chartwidth pxwidth-priceAxesWidth chartheight pxheight-dateAxesHeight topColorParamColor (quottopColorquot, colorCustom4) centerColorParamColor (quotcenterColorquot, ColorRGB (249236164)) botColorParamColor (quotBottomColorquot, colorCustom4) priceAxesColorParamColor (quotpriceAxesColorquot, colorWhite) dateAxesColorParamColor (quotdateAxesColorquot, colorWhite) relPosParam (quotcenterPositionquot, 50 , 0,100,1) 100 centerHeightchartheightParam (quotcenterHeightquot, 10, 0,100,1) 100 x00 y0Max (TitleHeight, chartheightrelPos-centerHeight 2) x1chartwidth y1Min (chartheight, chartheightrelPoscenterHeight 2) GfxSetBkMode (1) GfxSetOverlayMode (1) GfxGradientRect (0,0, gráfico de largura de tela , TitleHeight, colorWhite, colorWhite) GfxGradientRect (chartwidth, 0, pxwidth, pxheight, priceAxesColor, priceAxesColor) GfxGradientRect (0, chartheight, chartwidth, pxheight, dateAxesColor, dateAxesColor) GfxGradientRect (x0, y0, x1, y1, CenterColor, CenterColor) GfxGradientRect (0, TitleHeight, chartwidth, y0, topC Olá, CenterColor) GfxGradientRect (0, y1, chartwidth, chartheight, CenterColor, botColor) SECTIONBEGIN (quotPricequot) SetChartBkGradientFill (ParamColor (quotBgTopquot, colorLightYellow), ParamColor (quotB gBottomquot, colorCustom4), ParamColor (quotTitleblockquot, col ou LightYellow)) SetChartOptions (0 Grafico de gráfico (quotBollingerquot, 10, 2, 100, 1) Parâmetros de largura (quotWidthquot, 0.55, 0, 10, 0.05) Plot (funbbTp ( Pts, P, Períodos, Largura), quotBBTopquot, colorGreen, styleLinestyleThickstyleDots) Plot (funBBBt (P, Periods, Width), quotBBBotquot, colorBrown, styleLinestyleThickstyleDots) SECTIONEND () btsParamToggle (quotBTSquot, quotNoYesquot, 1) btstParamToggle (quotDOTquot, quotNoYesquot, 1) btslParamToggle (QuotDibir SLquot, quotNoYesquot, 1) periodParam (queriodquot, 7,1,20,1) x153 x247 d2.3 f7 s1.5 rangefunA1 (f, fd) Faixa1 funA1 (f, fs) d Faixa2 (funA1 (f, ds) ) S) 4 ra Nge3funA1 (10, sf) R ((funH1 (H, período, períodos) - C) (funH1 (H, período, período d) - funL1 (L, período, ds))) -100 E1 funE1 (R, Período, X1x2) E2 funE1 (E1,5, fs) Diferença E1 - E2 ZeroLagE E1 Função diferença2abs (ZeroLagE) PercentagemR (períodos) retorno -100 (funH1 (H, períodos, período) - C) (funH1 (H, períodos, períodos D) - funL1 (L, periodos, ds)) mainvalfunMAIN (Range1, Range2, range3, value2, Clo se, H, L, período, BarCount, x1, x2) tmfunreturntm () bstopfunreturnbstop () sstopfunreturnsstop () PlotShapes (shapeSmallCircle ( Bts AND tm1 e Ref (tm, -1) 2), colorBlue, 0, bstop, -6) PlotShapes (shapeSmallCircle (bts AND tm2 E Ref (tm, -1) 1), colorCustom12, 0, sstop, -6) Lote (IIf (btsl AND tm1, bstop, Null), quotquot, colorDarkGreen, styleLinestyl eThickstyleDots) Lote (IIf (btsl AND tm2, sstop, Null), quotquot, colorPink, styleLinestyleThic kstyleDots) SECTIONEND () xParam (quotDefault1quot, 14,3 , 50,1) x1funC1 (x, 24) YParam (quotDefault2quot, 7,3,15,1) Y2funD1 (x1, Y, YX) ZParam (quotDefault3quot, 3,3,9,1) Z2funM1 (Y2, Z, ZY) PCS funPC1 (Z2) TCB funTC1 (Z2) Comprar Cond5B Sell Cond5S Comprar ExRem (Comprar, Vender) Venda ExRem (Vender, Comprar) Filtro Comprar OU Vender printf (quotnEarnByNifty este comentário é gerado automaticamente para fins de informação. quot) WriteIf ( Bgt0, o último sinal automatizado gerado foi um quotPquotnon quotDate () quotNow. QuotL, quotquot) WriteIf (sgt0, quot O último sinal automatizado gerado foi um quotPonoton QuotDate () quotnHigh. QuotH, quotquot) x1funC1 (x, 7) Y2funD1 (x1, Y, Y2) Z2funM1 (Y2, Z, ZY) CondHB z2gtRef (Z2, -1) CondHS Z2ltRef (Z2,1) PCRH funPC1 (Z2) TCRH funTC1 (Z2) TimeFrameRestore () WriteIf (CondHBgtCondHS, quotnThe Tendência horária é BULLISH, Buy Signals pode ser mais rentável, agir com cautela em Sell Signsquot, WriteIf ((CondHBltCondHS), quotThe Tendência horária é BEARISH, Sell Signals pode ser mais rentável, Agir com cautela em Buy Signalsquot, quotquot)) WriteIf (CondSR, QuotnReversal of Hour Three BEARISH Trendquot, quotquot) WriteIf (CondBR, QuotReversal of Hourly BULLISH Trendquot, quotquot ) WriteIf (CondSR ou CondBR, quotquot, quotquot) printf (quotquot) x1funC1 (x, x-10) Y2funD1 (x1, Y, Y5) Z2funM1 (Y2, Z, Z2Y) CondHB z2gtRef (z2, -1) CondHS Z2ltRef ( Z2,1) PCR30 funPC1 (Z2) TCR30 funTC1 (Z2) CondSR30 TCR30 CondBR30 PCR30 TimeFrameRestore () printf (quotnRSI. Quot WriteVal (RSI (14))) pParamToggle (quotSupport-Resi posição. QuotNoYesquot, 0) TimeFrameRestore () ----------- Meio horário - SUPORTE da RESISTÊNCIA do amplificador ------------- dH1SelectedValue (TimeFrameGetPrice (quotHquot, 2in15Minute, -1) ) DL1SelectedValue (TimeFrameGetPrice (quotLquot, 2in15Minute, -1)) dC1SelectedValue (TimeFrameGetPrice (quotCquot, 2in15Minute, -1)) dp returnp (dH1, dL1, dC1) 3 ds1 returns1r1 (dp, dH1) dr1 returns1r1 (dp, dL1) ds2 Retorna2s3 (dp, dH1, dL1) ds3 returns2s3 (dS1, dH1, dL1) dr2 returnr2r3 (dp, dH1, dL1) dr3 returnr2r3 (dR1, dH1, dL1) printf (quotnHalf Hourly Support amp. Resistência. Quot) printf (quotnS1. QuotWriteVal (Ds1)) printf (quotnr2. QuotWriteVal (dr2)) printf (quotnr3. QuotWriteVal (dr3)) printf (quotnr3. QuotWriteVal (dr3)) printf (quotnr3. QuotWriteVal (dr3)) printf (quotnr1. QuotWriteVal (ds2)) printf (Ds1, quotDaily Support 1quot, colorBrightGreen, styleLine) Lote (ds2, quotDaily Support 2quot, colorDarkGreen, styleLine) Lote (ds3, quotDaily Support 3quot, colorDarkGrey, styleLine) Lote (dr1, QuetDaily Resistance 1quot, colorRed, styleLine) Lote (d R2, quotDaily Resistance 2quot, colorDarkRed, styleLine) Plot (dr3, quotDaily Resistance 3quot, colorBrown, styleLine) ----------- Hourly - SUPPORT amp RESISTANCE ------------ - wH1SelectedValue (TimeFrameGetPrice (quotHquot, inHourly, -1)) wL1SelectedValue (TimeFrameGetPrice (quotLuot, inHourly, -1)) wC1SelectedValue (TimeFrameGetPrice (quotCquot, inHourly, -1)) wp returnp (wH1, wL1, wC1) 3 ws1 returns1r1 ( Wp, wH1) w1 retorna1r1 (wp, wL1) ws2 retorna2s3 (wp, wH1, wL1) ws3 retorna2s3 (wS1, wH1, wL1) wr2 returnr2r3 (wp, wH1, wL1) wr3 returnr2r3 (wR1, wH1, wL1) printf (quotnHourly Suporte a resistência do amplificador. QuotWriteVal (ws1)) printf (quotnS3. QuotWriteVal (ws3)) printf (quotnr1. QuotWriteVal (wr1)) printf (quotnr2. QuotWriteVal (wr2)) printf (quotnr2. QuotWriteVal (wr2)) printf (quotnr2. QuotWriteVal (wr2)) printf (quotnr2. . QuotWriteVal (wr3)) ----------- Two Hourly - SUPPORT ABS RESISTANCE ------------- mH1SelectedValue (TimeFrameGetPrice (quotHquot, 2inHourly, -1)) mL1SelectedValue ( TimeFrameGetPrice (quotLquot, 2inHourly, -1)) mC1SelectedValue (TimeFrameGetPrice (quotCquot, 2inHourly, -1)) mp returnp (mH1, mL1, mC1) 3 ms1 returns1r1 (mp, mH1) mr1 returns1r1 (mp, mL1) ms2 returns2s3 (mp , MH1, mL1) ms3 retorna2s3 (mS1, mH1, mL1) mr2 returnr2r3 (pf, mH1, mL1) mr3 returnr2r3 (mR1, mH1, mL1) printf (quotnTwo Hourly Support amp. Resistência quot) printf (quotnS1. QuotWriteVal (ms1) ) Printf (quotnr2. QuotWriteVal (m2)) printf (quotnr2. QuotWriteVal (mr2)) printf (quotnr3. QuotWriteVal (mr3)) printf (quotnS2. QuotWriteVal (ms2)) printf (quotnS1. QuotWriteVal (ms3)) printf (quotnr1. QuotWriteVal (mr1) QuotHourly Trendquot, IIf (Flip (Condors, CondBR), colorGreen, IIf (F Lábio (CondBR, CondSR), colorRed, colorOrange)), styleOwnScalestyleAreastyleNoLabel. -0,75, 100) Plot (3,5, quot30min Trendquot, IIf (Flip (CondSR30, CondBR30), colorDarkBlue, IIf (Flip (CondBR30, CondSR30), colorTan, colorOrange)), styleOwnScalestyleAreastyleNoLabel. -0.85, 100) Plot (5, quotBuy Venda Ribbonquot, IIf (Flip (Comprar, Vender), ColorBrightGreen, IIf (Flip (Sell, Buy), colorPink, colorOrange)), styleOwnScalestyleAreastyleNoLabel, -0.75, 100) Forma TimeFrameSet (in5Minute) Comprar shapeUpTriangle Vender shapeDownTriangle PlotShapes (shape, IIf (Buy, Low, High)) TimeFrameRestore () Postado originalmente por pranayk (Post 550244) Mas isso não está funcionando e diz quotinitialization requiredquot PODE QUALQUER SENIOR RECTIFICAR ESTA AFL Se a fita três for diffent (Compre, colorGreen, colorRed), IIf (Buy, Low, High) Os prazos podem ser gerados, também será bom. SECCIONAÇÃO (quotAdvanced Rapid Fire NIFTY Trading Systemquot) T20 K ((C-funM1 (C, T, T2)) funM1 (C, T, T2)) 100 Graph0K Graph0Style24 Graph0BarColorIIf (KMAgt0,5,4) Graph0BarColorIIf (Kgt0, colorGreen, ColorRed) GraphXSpace5 Título quotSymbol. Quot Name () quotnThe Close is ngt quotWriteVal (abs (K), format1.2) quotquotWriteIf (Kgt0, quot abovequot, quot belowquot) o período 13 EMAquot E30 ((C-funE1 (C, 30,20)) funM1 ( C, 30,15)) 100 Titlequotgt quotWriteVal (abs (E30), format1.2) quot WhriteIf (E30gt0, quot abovequot, quot belowquot) quot 30 period EMAquot E50 ((C-funE1 (C, 50,35)) funM1 (C, 50,20)) 100 Titlequotgt quotWriteVal (abs (E50), format1.2) quot WhriteIf (E50gt0, quot abovequot, quot belowquot) quot 50 period EMAquot E200 ((C-funE1 (C, 200, 114)) funM1 ( C, 200,105)) 100 Titlequotgt quotWriteVal (abs (E200), format1.2) quotWriteIf (E200gt0, quot abovequot, quot belowquot) quot 200 period EMAnquot SECTIONBEGIN (quotPricequot) SetChartOptions (0, chartShowArrowschartShowDates) N (Título StrFormat (quot - Abrir g, Hi g, Lo g, Fechar g (.1f) quot, O, H, L, C, SelectedValue (ROC (C, 1)))) Plot (C, quotClosequot, ParamColor (quotColorquot, colorLightGrey), styleNoTitle ParamStyle (quotStylequot) GetPriceStyle ()) função GetSecondNum () Tempo agora (4) Se Conds int (Tempo 100) Minutos int (Tempo 100 100) Horas int (Tempo 10000 100) SecondNum int (Horas 60 60 Minutos 60 Segundos) return SecondNum RequestTimedRefresh (1) TimeFrame Interval () SecNumber GetSecondNum () Newperiod SecNumber TimeFrame 0 SecsLeft SecNumber - int (SecNumber TimeFrame) TimeFrame SecsToGo TimeFrame - SecsLeft if (NewPeriod) Plot (1, quotquot, colorYellow, styleArea styleOwnScale, 0, 1) time quotCurrent Time: quot Now (2) quotquot quotChart Interval: quot NumToStr (TimeFrame, 1.0) Quot Secondsnquot quotSecond Number quotnot quotSeconds Left: quot NumToStr (SecsLeft, 1.0, False) quotquot quotSeconds To Go: quot NumToStr (SecsToGo, 1.0, False) GfxSetTextColor (colorBrown) GfxSelectFont (quotTahomaquot, 12 , 1200) GfxTextOut (Quecseconds To Go: quot NumToStr (SecsToGo, 1.0, False), 35, 200) priceAxesWidth0 dateAxesHeight0 TitleHeight0 pxwidth Status (quotpxwidthquot) pxheight Status (quotpxheightquot) chartwidth pxwidth-priceAxesWidth chartheight pxheight-dateAxesHeight topColorParamColor (quottopColorquot, colorCustom4) centerColorParamColor (quotcenterColorquot, ColorRGB (249236164)) botColorParamColor (quotBottomColorquot, colorCustom4) priceAxesColorParamColor (quotpriceAxesColorquot, colorWhite) dateAxesColorParamColor (quotdateAxesColorquot, colorWhite) relPosParam (quotcenterPositionquot, 50 , 0,100,1) 100 centerHeightchartheightParam (quotcenterHeightquot, 10, 0,100,1) 100 x00 y0Max (TitleHeight, chartheightrelPos-centerHeight 2) x1chartwidth y1Min (chartheight, chartheightrelPoscenterHeight 2) GfxSetBkMode (1) GfxSetOverlayMode (1) GfxGradientRect (0,0, gráfico de largura de tela , TitleHeight, colorWhite, colorWhite) GfxGradientRect (chartwidth, 0, pxwidth, pxheight, priceAxesColor, priceAxesColor) GfxGradientRect (0, chartheight, chartwidth, pxheight, dateAxesColor, dateAxesColor) GfxGradientRect (x0, y0, x1, y1, CenterColor, CenterColor) GfxGradientRect (0, TitleHeight, chartwidth, y0, topC Olá, CenterColor) GfxGradientRect (0, y1, chartwidth, chartheight, CenterColor, botColor) SECTIONBEGIN (quotPricequot) SetChartBkGradientFill (ParamColor (quotBgTopquot, colorLightYellow), ParamColor (quotB gBottomquot, colorCustom4), ParamColor (quotTitleblockquot, col ou LightYellow)) SetChartOptions (0 Grafico de gráfico (quotBollingerquot, 10, 2, 100, 1) Parâmetros de largura (quotWidthquot, 0.55, 0, 10, 0.05) Plot (funbbTp ( Pts, P, Períodos, Largura), quotBBTopquot, colorGreen, styleLinestyleThickstyleDots) Plot (funBBBt (P, Periods, Width), quotBBBotquot, colorBrown, styleLinestyleThickstyleDots) SECTIONEND () btsParamToggle (quotBTSquot, quotNoYesquot, 1) btstParamToggle (quotDOTquot, quotNoYesquot, 1) btslParamToggle (QuotDibir SLquot, quotNoYesquot, 1) periodParam (queriodquot, 7,1,20,1) x153 x247 d2.3 f7 s1.5 rangefunA1 (f, fd) Faixa1 funA1 (f, fs) d Faixa2 (funA1 (f, ds) ) S) 4 ra Nge3funA1 (10, sf) R ((funH1 (H, período, períodos) - C) (funH1 (H, período, período d) - funL1 (L, período, ds))) -100 E1 funE1 (R, Período, X1x2) E2 funE1 (E1,5, fs) Diferença E1 - E2 ZeroLagE E1 Função diferença2abs (ZeroLagE) PercentagemR (períodos) retorno -100 (funH1 (H, períodos, período) - C) (funH1 (H, períodos, períodos D) - funL1 (L, periodos, ds)) mainvalfunMAIN (Range1, Range2, range3, value2, Clo se, H, L, período, BarCount, x1, x2) tmfunreturntm () bstopfunreturnbstop () sstopfunreturnsstop () PlotShapes (shapeSmallCircle ( Bts AND tm1 e Ref (tm, -1) 2), colorBlue, 0, bstop, -6) PlotShapes (shapeSmallCircle (bts AND tm2 E Ref (tm, -1) 1), colorCustom12, 0, sstop, -6) Lote (IIf (btsl AND tm1, bstop, Null), quotquot, colorDarkGreen, styleLinestyl eThickstyleDots) Lote (IIf (btsl AND tm2, sstop, Null), quotquot, colorPink, styleLinestyleThic kstyleDots) SECTIONEND () xParam (quotDefault1quot, 14,3 , 50,1) x1funC1 (x, 24) YParam (quotDefault2quot, 7,3,15,1) Y2funD1 (x1, Y, YX) ZParam (quotDefault3quot, 3,3,9,1) Z2funM1 (Y2, Z, ZY) PCS funPC1 (Z2) TCB funTC1 (Z2) Comprar Cond5B Sell Cond5S Comprar ExRem (Comprar, Vender) Venda ExRem (Vender, Comprar) Filtro Comprar OU Vender printf (quotnEarnByNifty este comentário é gerado automaticamente para fins de informação. quot) WriteIf ( Bgt0, o último sinal automatizado gerado foi um quotPquotnon quotDate () quotNow. QuotL, quotquot) WriteIf (sgt0, quot O último sinal automatizado gerado foi um quotPonoton QuotDate () quotnHigh. QuotH, quotquot) x1funC1 (x, 7) Y2funD1 (x1, Y, Y2) Z2funM1 (Y2, Z, ZY) CondHB z2gtRef (Z2, -1) CondHS Z2ltRef (Z2,1) PCRH funPC1 (Z2) TCRH funTC1 (Z2) TimeFrameRestore () WriteIf (CondHBgtCondHS, quotnThe Tendência horária é BULLISH, Buy Signals pode ser mais rentável, agir com cautela em Sell Signsquot, WriteIf ((CondHBltCondHS), quotThe Tendência horária é BEARISH, Sell Signals pode ser mais rentável, Agir com cautela em Buy Signalsquot, quotquot)) WriteIf (CondSR, QuotnReversal of Hour Three BEARISH Trendquot, quotquot) WriteIf (CondBR, QuotReversal of Hourly BULLISH Trendquot, quotquot ) WriteIf (CondSR ou CondBR, quotquot, quotquot) printf (quotquot) x1funC1 (x, x-10) Y2funD1 (x1, Y, Y5) Z2funM1 (Y2, Z, Z2Y) CondHB z2gtRef (z2, -1) CondHS Z2ltRef ( Z2,1) PCR30 funPC1 (Z2) TCR30 funTC1 (Z2) CondSR30 TCR30 CondBR30 PCR30 TimeFrameRestore () printf (quotnRSI. Quot WriteVal (RSI (14))) pParamToggle (quotSupport-Resi posição. QuotNoYesquot, 0) TimeFrameRestore () ----------- Meio horário - SUPORTE da RESISTÊNCIA do amplificador ------------- dH1SelectedValue (TimeFrameGetPrice (quotHquot, 2in15Minute, -1) ) DL1SelectedValue (TimeFrameGetPrice (quotLquot, 2in15Minute, -1)) dC1SelectedValue (TimeFrameGetPrice (quotCquot, 2in15Minute, -1)) dp returnp (dH1, dL1, dC1) 3 ds1 returns1r1 (dp, dH1) dr1 returns1r1 (dp, dL1) ds2 Retorna2s3 (dp, dH1, dL1) ds3 returns2s3 (dS1, dH1, dL1) dr2 returnr2r3 (dp, dH1, dL1) dr3 returnr2r3 (dR1, dH1, dL1) printf (quotnHalf Hourly Support amp. Resistência. Quot) printf (quotnS1. QuotWriteVal (Ds1)) printf (quotnr2. QuotWriteVal (dr2)) printf (quotnr3. QuotWriteVal (dr3)) printf (quotnr3. QuotWriteVal (dr3)) printf (quotnr3. QuotWriteVal (dr3)) printf (quotnr1. QuotWriteVal (ds2)) printf (Ds1, quotDaily Support 1quot, colorBrightGreen, styleLine) Lote (ds2, quotDaily Support 2quot, colorDarkGreen, styleLine) Lote (ds3, quotDaily Support 3quot, colorDarkGrey, styleLine) Lote (dr1, QuetDaily Resistance 1quot, colorRed, styleLine) Lote (d R2, quotDaily Resistance 2quot, colorDarkRed, styleLine) Plot (dr3, quotDaily Resistance 3quot, colorBrown, styleLine) ----------- Hourly - SUPPORT amp RESISTANCE ------------ - wH1SelectedValue (TimeFrameGetPrice (quotHquot, inHourly, -1)) wL1SelectedValue (TimeFrameGetPrice (quotLuot, inHourly, -1)) wC1SelectedValue (TimeFrameGetPrice (quotCquot, inHourly, -1)) wp returnp (wH1, wL1, wC1) 3 ws1 returns1r1 ( Wp, wH1) w1 retorna1r1 (wp, wL1) ws2 retorna2s3 (wp, wH1, wL1) ws3 retorna2s3 (wS1, wH1, wL1) wr2 returnr2r3 (wp, wH1, wL1) wr3 returnr2r3 (wR1, wH1, wL1) printf (quotnHourly Suporte a resistência do amplificador. QuotWriteVal (ws1)) printf (quotnS3. QuotWriteVal (ws3)) printf (quotnr1. QuotWriteVal (wr1)) printf (quotnr2. QuotWriteVal (wr2)) printf (quotnr2. QuotWriteVal (wr2)) printf (quotnr2. QuotWriteVal (wr2)) printf (quotnr2. . QuotWriteVal (wr3)) ----------- Two Hourly - SUPPORT ABS RESISTANCE ------------- mH1SelectedValue (TimeFrameGetPrice (quotHquot, 2inHourly, -1)) mL1SelectedValue ( TimeFrameGetPrice (quotLquot, 2inHourly, -1)) mC1SelectedValue (TimeFrameGetPrice (quotCquot, 2inHourly, -1)) mp returnp (mH1, mL1, mC1) 3 ms1 returns1r1 (mp, mH1) mr1 returns1r1 (mp, mL1) ms2 returns2s3 (mp , MH1, mL1) ms3 retorna2s3 (mS1, mH1, mL1) mr2 returnr2r3 (pf, mH1, mL1) mr3 returnr2r3 (mR1, mH1, mL1) printf (quotnTwo Hourly Support amp. Resistência quot) printf (quotnS1. QuotWriteVal (ms1) ) Printf (quotnr2. QuotWriteVal (m2)) printf (quotnr2. QuotWriteVal (mr2)) printf (quotnr3. QuotWriteVal (mr3)) printf (quotnS2. QuotWriteVal (ms2)) printf (quotnS1. QuotWriteVal (ms3)) printf (quotnr1. QuotWriteVal (mr1) QuotHourly Trendquot, IIf (Flip (Condors, CondBR), colorGreen, IIf (F Lábio (CondBR, CondSR), colorRed, colorOrange)), styleOwnScalestyleAreastyleNoLabel. -0,75, 100) Plot (3,5, quot30min Trendquot, IIf (Flip (CondSR30, CondBR30), colorDarkBlue, IIf (Flip (CondBR30, CondSR30), colorTan, colorOrange)), styleOwnScalestyleAreastyleNoLabel. -0.85, 100) Plot (5, quotBuy Venda Ribbonquot, IIf (Flip (Comprar, Vender), ColorBrightGreen, IIf (Flip (Sell, Buy), colorPink, colorOrange)), styleOwnScalestyleAreastyleNoLabel, -0.75, 100) Forma TimeFrameSet (in5Minute) Comprar shapeUpTriangle Vender shapeDownTriangle PlotShapes (shape, IIf (Comprar, colorGreen, colorRed), IIf (Comprar, Baixo, Alto)) TimeFrameRestore () Acho que, plug in é necessário usar este aflAFL para QuotAdvanced Rapid Fire NIFTY Trading Systemquot AFL para quotAdifanced Rapid Fire NIFTY Trading Systemquot Mas isso não é Trabalhando e diz quotinitialization requiredquot PODE ALGUM SENIOR RECTIFICAR ESTA AFL Se a fita três para intervalos de tempo diferentes pode ser gerada, também será bom. SECCIONAÇÃO (quotAdvanced Rapid Fire NIFTY Trading Systemquot) T20 K ((C-funM1 (C, T, T2)) funM1 (C, T, T2)) 100 Graph0K Graph0Style24 Graph0BarColorIIf (KMAgt0,5,4) Graph0BarColorIIf (Kgt0, colorGreen, ColorRed) GraphXSpace5 Título quotSymbol. Quot Name () quotnThe Close is ngt quotWriteVal (abs (K), format1.2) quotquotWriteIf (Kgt0, quot abovequot, quot belowquot) o período 13 EMAquot E30 ((C-funE1 (C, 30,20)) funM1 ( C, 30,15)) 100 Titlequotgt quotWriteVal (abs (E30), format1.2) quot WhriteIf (E30gt0, quot abovequot, quot belowquot) quot 30 period EMAquot E50 ((C-funE1 (C, 50,35)) funM1 (C, 50,20)) 100 Titlequotgt quotWriteVal (abs (E50), format1.2) quot WhriteIf (E50gt0, quot abovequot, quot belowquot) quot 50 period EMAquot E200 ((C-funE1 (C, 200, 114)) funM1 ( C, 200,105)) 100 Titlequotgt quotWriteVal (abs (E200), format1.2) quotWriteIf (E200gt0, quot abovequot, quot belowquot) quot 200 period EMAnquot SECTIONBEGIN (quotPricequot) SetChartOptions (0, chartShowArrowschartShowDates) N (Título StrFormat (quot - Abrir g, Hi g, Lo g, Fechar g (.1f) quot, O, H, L, C, SelectedValue (ROC (C, 1)))) Plot (C, quotClosequot, ParamColor (quotColorquot, colorLightGrey), styleNoTitle ParamStyle (quotStylequot) GetPriceStyle ()) função GetSecondNum () Tempo agora (4) Se Conds int (Tempo 100) Minutos int (Tempo 100 100) Horas int (Tempo 10000 100) SecondNum int (Horas 60 60 Minutos 60 Segundos) return SecondNum RequestTimedRefresh (1) TimeFrame Interval () SecNumber GetSecondNum () Newperiod SecNumber TimeFrame 0 SecsLeft SecNumber - int (SecNumber TimeFrame) TimeFrame SecsToGo TimeFrame - SecsLeft if (NewPeriod) Plot (1, quotquot, colorYellow, styleArea styleOwnScale, 0, 1) time quotCurrent Time: quot Now (2) quotquot quotChart Interval: quot NumToStr (TimeFrame, 1.0) Quot Secondsnquot quotSecond Number quotnot quotSeconds Left: quot NumToStr (SecsLeft, 1.0, False) quotquot quotSeconds To Go: quot NumToStr (SecsToGo, 1.0, False) GfxSetTextColor (colorBrown) GfxSelectFont (quotTahomaquot, 12 , 1200) GfxTextOut (Quecseconds To Go: quot NumToStr (SecsToGo, 1.0, False), 35, 200) priceAxesWidth0 dateAxesHeight0 TitleHeight0 pxwidth Status (quotpxwidthquot) pxheight Status (quotpxheightquot) chartwidth pxwidth-priceAxesWidth chartheight pxheight-dateAxesHeight topColorParamColor (quottopColorquot, colorCustom4) centerColorParamColor (quotcenterColorquot, ColorRGB (249236164)) botColorParamColor (quotBottomColorquot, colorCustom4) priceAxesColorParamColor (quotpriceAxesColorquot, colorWhite) dateAxesColorParamColor (quotdateAxesColorquot, colorWhite) relPosParam (quotcenterPositionquot, 50 , 0,100,1) 100 centerHeightchartheightParam (quotcenterHeightquot, 10, 0,100,1) 100 x00 y0Max (TitleHeight, chartheightrelPos-centerHeight 2) x1chartwidth y1Min (chartheight, chartheightrelPoscenterHeight 2) GfxSetBkMode (1) GfxSetOverlayMode (1) GfxGradientRect (0,0, gráfico de largura de tela , TitleHeight, colorWhite, colorWhite) GfxGradientRect (chartwidth, 0, pxwidth, pxheight, priceAxesColor, priceAxesColor) GfxGradientRect (0, chartheight, chartwidth, pxheight, dateAxesColor, dateAxesColor) GfxGradientRect (x0, y0, x1, y1, CenterColor, CenterColor) GfxGradientRect (0, TitleHeight, chartwidth, y0, topC Olá, CenterColor) GfxGradientRect (0, y1, chartwidth, chartheight, CenterColor, botColor) SECTIONBEGIN (quotPricequot) SetChartBkGradientFill (ParamColor (quotBgTopquot, colorLightYellow), ParamColor (quotB gBottomquot, colorCustom4), ParamColor (quotTitleblockquot, col ou LightYellow)) SetChartOptions (0 Grafico de gráfico (quotBollingerquot, 10, 2, 100, 1) Parâmetros de largura (quotWidthquot, 0.55, 0, 10, 0.05) Plot (funbbTp ( Pts, P, Períodos, Largura), quotBBTopquot, colorGreen, styleLinestyleThickstyleDots) Plot (funBBBt (P, Periods, Width), quotBBBotquot, colorBrown, styleLinestyleThickstyleDots) SECTIONEND () btsParamToggle (quotBTSquot, quotNoYesquot, 1) btstParamToggle (quotDOTquot, quotNoYesquot, 1) btslParamToggle (QuotDibir SLquot, quotNoYesquot, 1) periodParam (queriodquot, 7,1,20,1) x153 x247 d2.3 f7 s1.5 rangefunA1 (f, fd) Faixa1 funA1 (f, fs) d Faixa2 (funA1 (f, ds) ) S) 4 ra Nge3funA1 (10, sf) R ((funH1 (H, período, períodos) - C) (funH1 (H, período, período d) - funL1 (L, período, ds))) -100 E1 funE1 (R, Período, X1x2) E2 funE1 (E1,5, fs) Diferença E1 - E2 ZeroLagE E1 Função diferença2abs (ZeroLagE) PercentagemR (períodos) retorno -100 (funH1 (H, períodos, período) - C) (funH1 (H, períodos, períodos D) - funL1 (L, periodos, ds)) mainvalfunMAIN (Range1, Range2, range3, value2, Clo se, H, L, período, BarCount, x1, x2) tmfunreturntm () bstopfunreturnbstop () sstopfunreturnsstop () PlotShapes (shapeSmallCircle ( Bts AND tm1 e Ref (tm, -1) 2), colorBlue, 0, bstop, -6) PlotShapes (shapeSmallCircle (bts AND tm2 E Ref (tm, -1) 1), colorCustom12, 0, sstop, -6) Lote (IIf (btsl AND tm1, bstop, Null), quotquot, colorDarkGreen, styleLinestyl eThickstyleDots) Lote (IIf (btsl AND tm2, sstop, Null), quotquot, colorPink, styleLinestyleThic kstyleDots) SECTIONEND () xParam (quotDefault1quot, 14,3 , 50,1) x1funC1 (x, 24) YParam (quotDefault2quot, 7,3,15,1) Y2funD1 (x1, Y, YX) ZParam (quotDefault3quot, 3,3,9,1) Z2funM1 (Y2, Z, ZY) PCS funPC1 (Z2) TCB funTC1 (Z2) Comprar Cond5B Sell Cond5S Comprar ExRem (Comprar, Vender) Venda ExRem (Vender, Comprar) Filtro Comprar OU Vender printf (quotnEarnByNifty este comentário é gerado automaticamente para fins de informação. quot) WriteIf ( Bgt0, o último sinal automatizado gerado foi um quotPquotnon quotDate () quotNow. QuotL, quotquot) WriteIf (sgt0, quot O último sinal automatizado gerado foi um quotPonoton QuotDate () quotnHigh. QuotH, quotquot) x1funC1 (x, 7) Y2funD1 (x1, Y, Y2) Z2funM1 (Y2, Z, ZY) CondHB z2gtRef (Z2, -1) CondHS Z2ltRef (Z2,1) PCRH funPC1 (Z2) TCRH funTC1 (Z2) TimeFrameRestore () WriteIf (CondHBgtCondHS, quotnThe Tendência horária é BULLISH, Buy Signals pode ser mais rentável, agir com cautela em Sell Signsquot, WriteIf ((CondHBltCondHS), quotThe Tendência horária é BEARISH, Sell Signals pode ser mais rentável, Agir com cautela em Buy Signalsquot, quotquot)) WriteIf (CondSR, QuotnReversal of Hour Three BEARISH Trendquot, quotquot) WriteIf (CondBR, QuotReversal of Hourly BULLISH Trendquot, quotquot ) WriteIf (CondSR ou CondBR, quotquot, quotquot) printf (quotquot) x1funC1 (x, x-10) Y2funD1 (x1, Y, Y5) Z2funM1 (Y2, Z, Z2Y) CondHB z2gtRef (z2, -1) CondHS Z2ltRef ( Z2,1) PCR30 funPC1 (Z2) TCR30 funTC1 (Z2) CondSR30 TCR30 CondBR30 PCR30 TimeFrameRestore () printf (quotnRSI. Quot WriteVal (RSI (14))) pParamToggle (quotSupport-Resi posição. QuotNoYesquot, 0) TimeFrameRestore () ----------- Meio horário - SUPORTE da RESISTÊNCIA do amplificador ------------- dH1SelectedValue (TimeFrameGetPrice (quotHquot, 2in15Minute, -1) ) DL1SelectedValue (TimeFrameGetPrice (quotLquot, 2in15Minute, -1)) dC1SelectedValue (TimeFrameGetPrice (quotCquot, 2in15Minute, -1)) dp returnp (dH1, dL1, dC1) 3 ds1 returns1r1 (dp, dH1) dr1 returns1r1 (dp, dL1) ds2 Retorna2s3 (dp, dH1, dL1) ds3 returns2s3 (dS1, dH1, dL1) dr2 returnr2r3 (dp, dH1, dL1) dr3 returnr2r3 (dR1, dH1, dL1) printf (quotnHalf Hourly Support amp. Resistência. Quot) printf (quotnS1. QuotWriteVal (Ds1)) printf (quotnr2. QuotWriteVal (dr2)) printf (quotnr3. QuotWriteVal (dr3)) printf (quotnr3. QuotWriteVal (dr3)) printf (quotnr3. QuotWriteVal (dr3)) printf (quotnr1. QuotWriteVal (ds2)) printf (Ds1, quotDaily Support 1quot, colorBrightGreen, styleLine) Lote (ds2, quotDaily Support 2quot, colorDarkGreen, styleLine) Lote (ds3, quotDaily Support 3quot, colorDarkGrey, styleLine) Lote (dr1, QuetDaily Resistance 1quot, colorRed, styleLine) Lote (d R2, quotDaily Resistance 2quot, colorDarkRed, styleLine) Plot (dr3, quotDaily Resistance 3quot, colorBrown, styleLine) ----------- Hourly - SUPPORT amp RESISTANCE ------------ - wH1SelectedValue (TimeFrameGetPrice (quotHquot, inHourly, -1)) wL1SelectedValue (TimeFrameGetPrice (quotLuot, inHourly, -1)) wC1SelectedValue (TimeFrameGetPrice (quotCquot, inHourly, -1)) wp returnp (wH1, wL1, wC1) 3 ws1 returns1r1 ( Wp, wH1) w1 retorna1r1 (wp, wL1) ws2 retorna2s3 (wp, wH1, wL1) ws3 retorna2s3 (wS1, wH1, wL1) wr2 returnr2r3 (wp, wH1, wL1) wr3 returnr2r3 (wR1, wH1, wL1) printf (quotnHourly Suporte a resistência do amplificador. QuotWriteVal (ws1)) printf (quotnS3. QuotWriteVal (ws3)) printf (quotnr1. QuotWriteVal (wr1)) printf (quotnr2. QuotWriteVal (wr2)) printf (quotnr2. QuotWriteVal (wr2)) printf (quotnr2. QuotWriteVal (wr2)) printf (quotnr2. . QuotWriteVal (wr3)) ----------- Two Hourly - SUPPORT ABS RESISTANCE ------------- mH1SelectedValue (TimeFrameGetPrice (quotHquot, 2inHourly, -1)) mL1SelectedValue ( TimeFrameGetPrice (quotLquot, 2inHourly, -1)) mC1SelectedValue (TimeFrameGetPrice (quotCquot, 2inHourly, -1)) mp returnp (mH1, mL1, mC1) 3 ms1 returns1r1 (mp, mH1) mr1 returns1r1 (mp, mL1) ms2 returns2s3 (mp , MH1, mL1) ms3 retorna2s3 (mS1, mH1, mL1) mr2 returnr2r3 (pf, mH1, mL1) mr3 returnr2r3 (mR1, mH1, mL1) printf (quotnTwo Hourly Support amp. Resistência quot) printf (quotnS1. QuotWriteVal (ms1) ) Printf (quotnr2. QuotWriteVal (m2)) printf (quotnr2. QuotWriteVal (mr2)) printf (quotnr3. QuotWriteVal (mr3)) printf (quotnS2. QuotWriteVal (ms2)) printf (quotnS1. QuotWriteVal (ms3)) printf (quotnr1. QuotWriteVal (mr1) QuotHourly Trendquot, IIf (Flip (Condors, CondBR), colorGreen, IIf (F Lábio (CondBR, CondSR), colorRed, colorOrange)), styleOwnScalestyleAreastyleNoLabel. -0,75, 100) Plot (3,5, quot30min Trendquot, IIf (Flip (CondSR30, CondBR30), colorDarkBlue, IIf (Flip (CondBR30, CondSR30), colorTan, colorOrange)), styleOwnScalestyleAreastyleNoLabel. -0.85, 100) Plot (5, quotBuy Venda Ribbonquot, IIf (Flip (Comprar, Vender), ColorBrightGreen, IIf (Flip (Sell, Buy), colorPink, colorOrange)), styleOwnScalestyleAreastyleNoLabel, -0.75, 100) Forma TimeFrameSet (in5Minute) Comprar shapeUpTriangle Vender shapeDownTriangle PlotShapes (shape, IIf (Buy, Low, High)) TimeFrameRestore () Postado originalmente por pranayk Mas isso não está funcionando e diz quotinitialization requiredquot PODE QUALQUER SENIOR RECTIFICAR ESTA AFL Se a fita três para intervalos de tempo diferentes pode ser Gerado, também será bom. SECCIONAÇÃO (quotAdvanced Rapid Fire NIFTY Trading Systemquot) T20 K ((C-funM1 (C, T, T2)) funM1 (C, T, T2)) 100 Graph0K Graph0Style24 Graph0BarColorIIf (KMAgt0,5,4) Graph0BarColorIIf (Kgt0, colorGreen, ColorRed) GraphXSpace5 Título quotSymbol. Quot Name () quotnThe Close is ngt quotWriteVal (abs (K), format1.2) quotquotWriteIf (Kgt0, quot abovequot, quot belowquot) o período 13 EMAquot E30 ((C-funE1 (C, 30,20)) funM1 ( C,30,15))100 Titlequotgt quotWriteVal(abs(E30),format1.2)quot quotWriteIf(E30gt0,quot abovequot, quot belowquot)quot 30 period EMAquot E50((C-funE1(C,50,35)) funM1 (C,50,20))100 Titlequotgt quotWriteVal(abs(E50),format1.2)quot quotWriteIf(E50gt0,quot abovequot, quot belowquot)quot 50 period EMAquot E200((C-funE1(C,200,114)) funM1( C,200,105))100 Titlequotgt quotWriteVal(abs(E200),format1.2)quot quotWriteIf(E200gt0,quot abovequot, quot belowquot)quot 200 period EMAnquot SECTIONBEGIN(quotPricequot) SetChartOptions(0,chartShowArrowschartShowDates) N(Title StrFormat(quot - Open g, Hi g, Lo g, Close g (.1f) quot, O, H, L, C, SelectedValue( ROC( C, 1 ) ) )) Plot( C, quotClosequot, ParamColor(quotColorquot, colorLightGrey ), styleNoTitle ParamStyle(quotStylequot) GetPriceStyle() ) function GetSecondNum() Time Now( 4 ) Se conds int( Time 100 ) Minutes int( Time 100 100 ) Hours int( Time 10000 100 ) SecondNum int( Hours 60 60 Minutes 60 Seconds ) return SecondNum RequestTimedRefresh( 1 ) TimeFrame Interval() SecNumber GetSecondNum() Newperiod SecNumber TimeFrame 0 SecsLeft SecNumber - int( SecNumber TimeFrame ) TimeFrame SecsToGo TimeFrame - SecsLeft if ( NewPeriod ) Plot( 1, quotquot, colorYellow, styleArea styleOwnScale, 0, 1 ) time quotCurrent Time: quot Now( 2 ) quotnquot quotChart Interval: quot NumToStr( TimeFrame, 1.0 ) quot Secondsnquot quotSecond Number: quot NumToStr( SecNumber, 1.0, False ) quotnquot quotSeconds Left: quot NumToStr( SecsLeft, 1.0, False ) quotnquot quotSeconds To Go: quot NumToStr( SecsToGo, 1.0, False ) GfxSetTextColor(colorBrown) GfxSelectFont(quotTahomaquot, 12,1200 ) GfxTextOut(quotSeconds To Go: quot NumToStr( SecsToGo, 1.0, False ), 35, 200) priceAxesWidth0 dateAxesHeight0 TitleHeight0 pxwidth Status(quotpxwidthquot) pxheight Status(quotpxheightquot) chartwidth pxwidth-priceAxesWidth chartheight pxheight-dateAxesHeight topColorParamColor(quottopColorquot, colorCustom4 ) centerColorParamColor(quotcenterColorquot, ColorRGB(249,236,164)) botColorParamColor(quotBottomColorquot, colorCustom4) priceAxesColorParamColor(quotpriceAxesColorquot, colorWhite ) dateAxesColorParamColor(quotdateAxesColorquot, colorWhite) relPosParam(quotcenterPositionquot,50,0,100,1) 100 centerHeightchartheightParam(quotcenterHeightquot,10, 0,100,1) 100 x00 y0Max(TitleHeight, chartheightrelPos-centerHeight 2) x1chartwidth y1Min(chartheight, chartheightrelPoscenterHeight 2) GfxSetBkMode( 1 ) GfxSetOverlayMode(1) GfxGradientRect(0,0,chartwidth, TitleHeight, colorWhite, colorWhite) GfxGradientRect(chartwidth,0,pxwidth, pxheight, priceAxesColor, priceAxesColor) GfxGradientRect(0,chartheight, chartwidth, pxheight, dateAxesColor, dateAxesColor) GfxGradientRect(x0,y0,x1,y1, CenterColor, CenterColor ) GfxGradientRect(0,TitleHeight, chartwidth, y0,topC olor, CenterColor ) GfxGradientRect(0,y1,chartwidth, chartheight, CenterColor, botColor) SECTIONBEGIN(quotPricequot) SetChartBkGradientFill( ParamColor(quotBgTopquot, colorLightYellow),ParamColor(quotB gBottomquot, colorCustom4),ParamColor(quotTitleblockquot, col orLightYellow)) SetChartOptions(0,chartShowDateschartShowArrowsc hartLogarithmicchartWrapTitle) GraphXSpace 5 SECTIONBEGIN(quotBollinger Bandsquot) P ParamField(quotPrice fieldquot,-1) Periods Param(quotBollingerquot, 10, 2, 100, 1 ) Width Param(quotWidthquot,0.55, 0, 10, 0.05 ) Plot(funBBTp(P, Periods, Width),quotBBTopquot, colorGreen, styleLinestyleThickstyleDots) Plot(funBBBt(P, Periods, Width),quotBBBotquot, colorBrown, styleLinestyleThickstyleDots) SECTIONEND() btsParamToggle(quotBTSquot, quotNoYesquot ,1) btstParamToggle(quotDOTquot, quotNoYesquot ,1) btslParamToggle(quotDeep SLquot, quotNoYesquot ,1) periodParam(quotPeriodquot,7,1,20,1) x153 x247 d2.3 f7 s1.5 rangefunA1(f, f-d) Range1 funA1(f, f-s) d Range2 (funA1(f, d-s)s) 4 ra nge3funA1(10,s-f) R ((funH1(H, period, periods) - C) (funH1 (H, period, period d) - funL1 (L, period, ds))) -100 E1 funE1(R, Period, x1x2) E2 funE1(E1,5,fs) Difference E1 - E2 ZeroLagE E1 Difference value2abs(ZeroLagE) function PercentR( periods ) return -100 ( funH1( H, periods, periodss) - C ) ( funH1( H, periods, periods d ) - funL1( L, periods, ds ) ) mainvalfunMAIN(Range1,Range2,range3,value2,Clo se, H,L, period, BarCount, x1,x2) tmfunreturntm() bstopfunreturnbstop() sstopfunreturnsstop() PlotShapes( shapeSmallCircle (bts AND tm1 AND Ref(tm,-1)2),colorBlue, 0, bstop, -6 ) PlotShapes( shapeSmallCircle (bts AND tm2 AND Ref(tm,-1)1), colorCustom12, 0, sstop, -6 ) Plot(IIf(btsl AND tm1,bstop, Null),quotquot, colorDarkGreen, styleLinestyl eThickstyleDots) Plot(IIf(btsl AND tm2,sstop, Null),quotquot, colorPink, styleLinestyleThic kstyleDots) SECTIONEND() xParam(quotDefault1quot,14,3,50,1) x1funC1(x,24) YParam(quotDefault2quot,7,3,15,1) Y2funD1(x1,Y, Y-X) ZParam(quotDefault3quot,3,3,9,1) Z2funM1(Y2,Z, Z-Y) PCS funPC1(Z2) TCB funTC1(Z2) Buy Cond5B Sell Cond5S Buy ExRem(Buy, Sell) Sell ExRem(Sell, Buy) Filter Buy OR Sell printf(quotnEarnByNifty this commentary is automatically generated for information purpose. quot) WriteIf(bgt0,quotnThe last Automated Signal generated was a Buy quotPquotnon quotDate()quotnLow. quotL, quotquot) WriteIf(sgt0,quotThe last Automated Signal generated was a Sell quotPquotnon quotDate()quotnHigh. quotH, quotquot) x1funC1(x,7) Y2funD1(x1,Y, Y2) Z2funM1(Y2,Z, ZY) CondHB z2gtRef(z2,-1) CondHS Z2ltRef(Z2,1) PCRH funPC1(Z2) TCRH funTC1(Z2) TimeFrameRestore() WriteIf(CondHBgtCondHS, quotnThe Hourly Trend is BULLISH, Buy Signals may be more profitable, Act Cautiously on Sell Signalsquot, WriteIf((CondHBltCondHS),quotThe Hourly Trend is BEARISH, Sell Signals may be more profitable, Act Cautiously on Buy Signalsquot, quotquot)) WriteIf(CondSR, quotnReversal of Hourly BEARISH Trendquot, quotquot) WriteIf(CondBR, quotReversal of Hourly BULLISH Trendquot, quotquot) WriteIf(CondSR OR CondBR, quotquot, quotquot) printf(quotquot) x1funC1(x, x-10) Y2funD1(x1,Y, Y5) Z2funM1(Y2,Z, Z2Y) CondHB z2gtRef(z2,-1) CondHS Z2ltRef(Z2,1) PCR30 funPC1(Z2) TCR30 funTC1(Z2) CondSR30 TCR30 CondBR30 PCR30 TimeFrameRestore() printf(quotnRSI. quot WriteVal(RSI(14))) pParamToggle(quotSupport-Resi stance. quot, quotNoYesquot,0) TimeFrameRestore() ----------- Half Hourly - SUPPORT amp RESISTANCE ------------- dH1SelectedValue(TimeFrameGetPrice( quotHquot, 2in15Minute, -1 )) dL1SelectedValue(TimeFrameGetPrice( quotLquot, 2in15Minute, -1 )) dC1SelectedValue(TimeFrameGetPrice( quotCquot, 2in15Minute, -1 )) dp returnp(dH1,dL1,dC1) 3 ds1 returns1r1(dp, dH1) dr1 returns1r1(dp, dL1) ds2 returns2s3(dp, dH1,dL1) ds3 returns2s3(dS1,dH1,dL1) dr2 returnr2r3(dp, dH1,dL1) dr3 returnr2r3(dR1,dH1,dL1) printf(quotnHalf Hourly Support amp Resistance. quot) printf(quotnS1. quotWriteVal(ds1)) printf(quotnS2. quotWriteVal(ds2)) printf(quotnS3. quotWriteVal(ds3)) printf(quotnr1. quotWriteVal(dr1)) printf(quotnr2. quotWriteVal(dr2)) printf(quotnr3. quotWriteVal(dr3)) Plot(ds1,quotDaily Support 1quot, colorBrightGreen, styleLine) Plot(ds2,quotDaily Support 2quot, colorDarkGreen, styleLine) Plot(ds3,quotDaily Support 3quot, colorDarkGrey, styleLine) Plot(dr1,quotDaily Resistance 1quot, colorRed, styleLine) Plot(d r2,quotDaily Resistance 2quot, colorDarkRed, styleLine) Plot(dr3,quotDaily Resistance 3quot, colorBrown, styleLine) ----------- Hourly - SUPPORT amp RESISTANCE ------------- wH1SelectedValue(TimeFrameGetPrice( quotHquot, inHourly, -1 )) wL1SelectedValue(TimeFrameGetPrice( quotLquot, inHourly, -1 )) wC1SelectedValue(TimeFrameGetPrice( quotCquot, inHourly, -1 )) wp returnp(wH1,wL1,wC1) 3 ws1 returns1r1(wp, wH1) wr1 returns1r1(wp, wL1) ws2 returns2s3(wp, wH1,wL1) ws3 returns2s3(wS1,wH1,wL1) wr2 returnr2r3(wp, wH1,wL1) wr3 returnr2r3(wR1,wH1,wL1) printf(quotnHourly Support amp Resistance. quot) printf(quotnS1. quotWriteVal(ws1)) printf(quotnS2. quotWriteVal(ws2)) printf(quotnS3. quotWriteVal(ws3)) printf(quotnr1. quotWriteVal(wr1)) printf(quotnr2. quotWriteVal(wr2)) printf(quotnr3. quotWriteVal(wr3)) ----------- Two Hourly - SUPPORT amp RESISTANCE ------------- mH1SelectedValue(TimeFrameGetPrice( quotHquot, 2inHourly, -1 )) mL1SelectedValue(TimeFrameGetPrice( quotLquot, 2inHourly, -1 )) mC1SelectedValue(TimeFrameGetPrice( quotCquot, 2inHourly, -1 )) mp returnp(mH1,mL1,mC1) 3 ms1 returns1r1(mp, mH1) mr1 returns1r1(mp, mL1) ms2 returns2s3(mp, mH1,mL1) ms3 returns2s3(mS1,mH1,mL1) mr2 returnr2r3(mp, mH1,mL1) mr3 returnr2r3(mR1,mH1,mL1) printf(quotnTwo Hourly Support amp Resistance. quot) printf(quotnS1. quotWriteVal(ms1)) printf(quotnS2. quotWriteVal(ms2)) printf(quotnS3. quotWriteVal(ms3)) printf(quotnr1. quotWriteVal(mr1)) printf(quotnr2. quotWriteVal(mr2)) printf(quotnr3. quotWriteVal(mr3)) Plot( 2,quotHourly Trendquot, IIf( Flip(CondSR, CondBR), colorGreen, IIf( F lip(CondBR, CondSR), colorRed, colorOrange)),styleOwnScalestyleAreastyleNoLabel. -0.75, 100 ) Plot( 3.5,quot30min Trendquot, IIf( Flip(CondSR30,CondBR30), colorDarkBlue, IIf( Flip(CondBR30,CondSR30), colorTan, colorOrange)),styleOwnScalestyleAreastyleNoLabel. -0.85, 100 ) Plot( 5,quotBuy Sell Ribbonquot, IIf( Flip(Buy, Sell), colorBrightGreen, IIf( Flip(Sell, Buy), colorPink, colorOrange )),styleOwnScalestyleAreastyleNoLabel, -0.75, 100 ) TimeFrameSet(in5Minute) shape Buy shapeUpTriangle Sell shapeDownTriangle PlotShapes( shape, IIf( Buy, colorGreen, colorRed ), IIf( Buy, Low, High ) ) TimeFrameRestore() I think, plug in is need for using this afl

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